Promised Sherideth, Angel of the Block (grin) that I would post a picture of her son Jaymz. He did these in his morning graphic arts class at the Calhoun Vo-Ed Center (or whatever fancy name they have this year...). Not only is he a hottie (for a kid), he is an excellent artist. Even though he hates to have his photo taken. And to really stun the world, he is a good driver! A teenage male that actually drives well: yet another sign of the Apocalypse... Hopefully will be able to get some non-graphicked (new word;
don't bother looking it up in Webster's, it isn't there yet) photos of him sometime, even if only on the morning bus to school while he is
napping. Catching the bus at 6:30 in the morning should be considered cruel and inhuman punishment... One thing worse than catching the bus that early: trying to get a kid up in time to catch it... oh well, I love ya Ruthi!!! (grin!)
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