Monday, October 13, 2008
Quilt Tale
When her youngest daughter was pregnant I made this baby quilt for her. If you know me, I tend to go overboard on baby quilts when it comes to size; I feel that if I am going to spend that much time making it, then the child should get more than a few months of being able to use it! I do NOT make itty-bitty baby quilts! Well, this quilt tale shows why.
The first thing her mother said when she saw me was, "She still sleeps with the baby quilt that you made her."The baby's name is Cindy, and I finally got to meet her at the visitation for her grandma. Her mother introduced me as "this is the lady that made your baby quilt that you still sleep with." I got a hug from the THIRTEEN-YEAR-OLD and a thank you! It seems that it is her pride and joy. I can't tell you how warm and fuzzy that made me feel! After all this time, for her to not only still have it, but to still cherish it. Doing the happy dance, y'all.... And apparently it is still in good condition, even after MULTIPLE washings. So, I did good. After that moment, I decided to not hang up the needles just yet.... still have some love to share.
Incidentally, that's my youngest daughter (now known as Amanda) holding the quilt for display. In the other photo that I can't find here at the library, she and Alae are holding it together so that you can see the actual size. This one was more for detail. Amanda is now a senior in high school, so looking at this photo really brings back the memories.....
Fuzzy fuzzy joy joy. Gives me faith that I will be able to finish the Super Quilt that I have planned...... and that it will be worth the needle-stabs.
Monday, May 19, 2008
I'm Baaaaack!
We are all moved in now, still plenty of boxes and bags to sort out and figure out the placement of their contents. But have movies on the shelf, books on the shelf, and some of the knick-knacks on the shelf. All different shelves, that is one really nice thing about the apartment, plenty of shelves and closets and hidey-holes. (I even have a Harry Potter room in our bedroom). Plus with the shelf units we brought from the old hole, I mean home, lots and lots of space for display.
Less than a month there, and yesterday I felt the need to rearrange the bedroom furniture. Can you say "NEVER AGAIN," children? Wouldn't have been so bad had we not had to work around unpacked boxes. Would have been much worse without my brother there to help with moving the bed! And all the other moving he helped with...
Thanks also to John (picture to be posted later when I find what safe spot I put the digital camera in)... for lifting, for driving, for the new tv stand, and especially for my famed Half Coffee Cup that I have been looking for ever since my folks sold the restaurant back in the late seventies! Will post a picture of that one too..... eventually.....
But the best house-warming gift of all was a visit from my bestest friend in this and any other universe! Diana and her hubby Oscar drove all the way from Ypsi to see me. Yes, I finally got to meet the famous Oscar, and I approve of him. (grin) In spite of some hormonal issues from my oldest, a great time was had by all. This is the first time I have seen Dusty in person since before I was pregnant with my son, so it was a visit long looked forward to! And worth the wait.... although I hope it won't be another thirteen years before the next visit! I love my Diana, she is the true Google Goddess. Even when she wasn't around, she has been a cornerstone of my life.
The kids are home from the dreaded foster care, Liam has his own room (being the only boy, he gets the special treatment). Ruthi (now going by Amanda) and Alanda have to share a room. This is not the best idea in the world, but it's only a three bedroom apartment. And I am NOT sleeping in the living room with a perfectly good bedroom downstairs that is big enough for my beautiful BED (thanks again, Katrina!!). They will live; they shared a room when they were much younger and survived. And they get the biggest bedroom, which is just about big enough to be two bedrooms. So they have plenty of space (they would argue with that statement!), it's just a matter of getting everything arranged "fairly"... glad I have a set of earplugs!
Still trying to find another job besides the laundrymat; still trying to figure out how to afford a car; still allergic to cardboard boxes; still jumping through the hoops for the government. Some things never change.
Still helping with the music system for the Community Unlimited play, The Tales of Scherezade. Still trying to get the songs out of my head while washing dishes, laundry, typing.... At least they are all in tune when I hear them in my head..... {giggle}
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Rumors of My Death, Yada Yada Yada
Amanda Ruth had Concert Band Festival last weekend; they garnered straight 1s (perfect score). Liam has now read all of the Harry Potter books (except for Deathly Hallows, a little too intense for him right now) and is working on the Charlie Bone books by Jenny Nimmo (by this time, he is probably finished with them). Casting is scheduled for this week for the community play, Scherezade, Amanda and Alanda both want the leading part. Both would be excellent for it, but then, I admit to being biased!
Then, to add to all the stress, I get the message that my Mom is in the hospital from high blood pressure. She went home yesterday, I got time on my cell phone and called her, and found out the Rest of The Story: she had had a mild stroke. So she is now home, not driving, using a walker, but able to speak clearly again. Off work for awhile, just what she needs to reduce the stress in HER life (she is the only wage earner, Dad is retired). My younger sister has previously had at least one mini-stroke (that *I* know of); so the news that my cholesterol was "a little high" at my annual check-up was no surprise. Actually, it has been "a little high" for the past five years, but apparently not high enough to warrant medication for it. This year I did get one surprise, my blood sugar was "a little high" as well. Normally my blood sugar is too low; I was always kind of relieved about that, as there is a history of "The D Word" in my family. But as my stepmom said, too low can change overnight to too high. Gee, here I was so happy because with all the stress and depression and DBFs I had been eating less and walking more and actually lost close to 20 pounds, thus thinking I was getting healthier. But no, just the opposite. When will I learn, STOP THINKING because it SO frequently turns out to be bass-ackwards!!!!!!
Thank Goddess for the Internet, my friends Dusty and Deb and my new friends at the disabled pagans group!