I am in the process of finishing a fullsize bedspread I started crocheting for my friend Rick last year (too hot to work on in the summer), only twenty more rows to go. Thanks to John, for buying me a skein of yarn when I ran out unexpectedly! Even got it off the top shelf at the store, as I am not supposed to do any lifting over my head, with my dumb shoulder being still messed up. I am also crocheting a scrap afghan, Jeweled Granny Squares, just to have a project to work on while riding in cars or waiting in doctor offices. I have also started a baby afghan for Alanda's art teacher (also Ruthi's Spanish teacher), granny squares of primary colors and secondary colors. Another travel-project! My final travel-bag is Granny Square Tree Ornaments (and bookmarks, and hairties, and whatever else I decide to make them into). Then today I started the fulfillment of my promise to my son Liam, to knit him a hat for the winter.
Recent accomplishments in the creative arena: a floorlength cloak for Alanda, a waistlength cape for Ruthi, a Space Alien costume for Liam -and a trick or treat bag, a shirt for Alanda, a Medieval dress for Alanda for homecoming Theme day, and two new sets of quilt squares started. The quilt squares are because, while the BORROWED sewing machine sat on my kitchen table after Liam's costume, the machine started talking to me. My computer used to do that, before he died on me recently; I would be walking past all innocent and that voice would call out "Turn me on, use me!" Now the Singer is doing it instead. So dug into the fabric stash and started cutting and sewing. Now George is cutting pieces for me from his stash, and whining because I put the machine up (moment of willpower) and haven't sewn for two days. Well, technically one day because today isn't up yet and I may give in and unleash the monster tonight....
Big accomplishment (for me) in the decluttering habit attempt: while cutting fabrics for all these projects, I was able to take the small scraps and THROW THEM DIRECTLY INTO THE TRASH CAN WHILE I CUT. Of course, any scrap actually big enough to use in a quilt was used, in fact, immediately cut and sewn together. Avoid the Procrastination! I was so proud of myself!!! (And then had to explain to DH why I was throwing away "perfectly good scraps..."--- I just can't win sometimes...) A smaller but still excellent achievement was that I took a full grocery bag stuffed with sewing patterns that I no longer or never have used, and donated them to the local thrift shop. I am so proud of myself!!! And I am going through other sewing patterns later (really) and minimizing them as well. And explaining again to DH why I am getting rid of this stuff. He is a worse packrat than I ever have been; if he ever finds out that in cleaning his dresser drawer I threw away rent receipts from 30 years ago, I will never hear the end of it. Oh well, they are gone now and they ain't coming back! I have two boxes of clothes and knick-knacks to take to the thrift shop; but as I am still a pedestrian I can only take one at a time when I walk to town. Unless I get in gear and get a few more boxes together and dig out the wagon, which is a possibility. I just hate walking in this nasty cold weather; and it isn't even real winter yet. But anything below 70 is vile to me. Why do I live in Michigan???? Oh, yeah, because I can't afford financially to move, and I don't want to uproot the kids. And, to be honest, I dread the idea of packing and moving all this s**t!!! Just the thought of it sends me into a quilt and cocoa!
Another achievement on my Things To Do List: I got some of Alanda's senior pictures printed at WalMart (thanks Mom for paying) so she has some to hand out. Grandma got to pick which pose she wanted, Uncle Chris picked his favorite, and Grandpa and Aunt Dawn got the poses that Grandma chose for them. Now if she could only choose which one to use in the yearbook...

Dang, time to log off already. On to the pharmacy to pick up DH's phenobarb, then home to clean and cook... yay joy. Then I can CREATE!!!!! YAY!!!!!
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