That really does make sense, if you're a Raveler!
Also updated my projects list a bit, so I have pix of (some of) the stuff I have made over the years. Even added pix of the people they were made for, when I had one. I have so many more photos, that I can't add, because they are either quilts or things I have sewn. Which doesn't quite fit into the Ravelry protocol, but I don't mind. I have my notebook (somewhere in here) with pix of everything (that I have pix of)...
And am getting OF to keep track of what he's made in the quilting arena; recently bought him a nice little pocket photo album to keep his quilt pix in to take with him. (I got tired of running back home to get the latest quilt top because someone wanted to see.) Also set him up a page on FaceBook, so he can post his pix there and have access to them later. And show them off to everyone....
Us Girls went out for karaoke Friday night. Again, some people should be given microphones with dead batteries (flashbacks to Colorado Springs).... but all in all, had a good time. Took (very dark) videos of the girls singing. Now to get the camera card and see if they can be edited to actually show the person in them... Again, I did not sing. Except at the table. With no mike. And learned that head-banging to AC/DC is just not the same when you have short hair.... [sigh]
And found out that I *am* smart enough to add "drink recipe" when googling Screaming Orgasm. (I was too chicken to try it without the modifier... I *really* don't want to know what I might find. I'm still reeling from the Puppetry of the Penis book!)
Started the doll that I promised to make for Nitia, at the bar during the singing. Had to quit when I needed both hands to cover my ears a few times, but got a darn good beginning on it. Now to get'm done. Should be interesting..... making a few slight modifications to the pattern so that it will look like her favorite character from Clerks. Progress reports will be issued-- when I have progress to report.
OK, now everyone get over to e-bay and bid on the stuff that etroll has up for auction!
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