Beat me with the idiot stick, please. Why do I have so much trouble spelling names right? First I get Charlaine Harris wrong, changed her to Charlene. Now I get Rett MacPherson wrong. Listen, children, THERE IS NO "H" IN HER FIRST NAME! Now that I have that corrected, my deepest apologies to the fabulous writer who also quilts. My goddess, I have found another Dusty!
Now if you see my kids' names, it may explain my weirdness for name spells. My oldest is Alanda, the middle kidlet is Ruthi, and the youngest is Liam - short for Uilliam, the Irish spelling of William. His middle name is Beathan-Davelynn; Beathan is Scots for Benjamin. Alanda is just made up, but seems to be pretty popular; there is a series of books with Alanda as a country, and in Piers Anthony's Xanth books, Alanda is the Earth Goddess. Pretty good for a name that my ex made up (he wanted to give her the name he would have had if he had been born a girl: Yolanda Susie Katherine. He suggested and we compromised on Alanda; he figured it would be easier for him to spell because it is shorther than Yolanda.) Nuff said about exes...
We have new kittens, one bluegrey (Alae named him Riffraff, after the RHPS dude), and one white siamese mix (originally named Magenta, to go with Riffraff, until I pointed out that she is a HE kitty; now named Rico). Don't know how many there were originally, at least one more blue that hasn't been seen since the first discovery after they got out of wherever their mother had them. Now momkit won't feed them, so I get to do the nursemaid routine. How happy am I... if they survive I will be surprised, as the last batch of kittens didn't make it past two months. Too much inbreeding, I think. Not that mine is the only tom in the neighborhood, but apparently he is the only one to breed here; and since half 0f the females are his offspring, it doesn't bode well genetically. Great, hillbilly cats.... (My daddy is from Mississippi, I can say stuff like that! But y'all can't! So there!)
Now I just find out that the gas company apparently never received their payments, which were made like three months ago, and I have 24 hours to come up with over $1000 or have my gas shut off. I cook with gas and have a gas water heater, so kind of need the service. Can't cook everything in the microwave, especially since I have a shortage of glass and plastic cooking pans/bowls/etc. Which really ticks me off, because I know the payments were made, but bet anything I won't be able to find the paperwork now that I actually need it. The gas company just changed ownership about two weeks after these payments were made, so somewhere Aquila has my payment and Michigan Gas Utilities wants more. I just can't seem to get ahead.
So beat me with the idiot stick really hard; maybe if I am in the hospital I can have a vacation from reality for awhile. Everyone knows I need one!
What I've Been Doing This Year
6 years ago