Well, duh. I just discovered that I never posted the pix of Tricia's pink baby blanket! So here are some shots of the blanket to go with the picture of the booties that I made to go with the blanket. (Tired yet? I can get you a road map to help follow along.... this IS called "Ramblings" for a reason!)
Got spring fever this weekend, and fixed up the ugly white mailbox. These photos are a little off because of the sunlight hitting just right, the mailbox is NOT striped. Just plain bright yellow! And the flag is definitely a contrasting color! Gorgeous shade of green, my friend Randy calls it "Froot Loop Green" but I love it anyway. {grin} I also painted the driveway posts, since my mom always has trouble seeing them at night. If you look closely in the first photo, you can see the first post to the left of the mailbox. George woke up from his nap, and asked "Who went yellow crazy?" Damn it, they are pretty now! Sometimes I think that I can't do a thing without a smarmy comment from him . This was one of those times. Oh well, buckos, my mailbox is now PRETTY and *I* like it. So there!!!

well, I loke your mailbox too.
IT's YELLOW>>>>>>>
i love you ma
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