Not the best photo, but they are so cute and warm! These are the pink baby booties I made to go with the baby blanket I made for Tricia from FrankTalk fame.
Just dropped them and the blanket off at the local dimestore, for her dad to pick up tomorrow when he delivers the magazine. I just love living in a small town! Couldn't do that at your local WalMart!!! Although there are many times I can think of things I DON'T love about living in a small town, the good stuff outweighs the bad. Although I would still rather live in the countryside of the small town, rather than smack in the center, but without a car this is the best spot for us. I can walk to the grocery store, and the laundrymat, and the post office, and the library, and the schools, and sometimes I even get really lucky and someone stops and gives me a ride. Not going to happen in New York City, I bet!
What really gets me, is that Alanda wants so much to live in New York City, second choice is Chicago; but she is adamant that she won't move to Battle Creek because it is too dangerous! Now, I won't say that the town isn't dangerous, ANY town can be; but I would be more afraid to have her live in Coldwater (smaller and "safer") because of certain conditions there. Won't go into details, just say that there are people in that town that she is safer being far away from. Since we never know when he is in or out of jail, I figure it's just best to stay away from there whenever possible. Still, afraid of Battle Creek but not of NYC. I give up figuring this kid out!
Not that she is much of a kid anymore. She went to the prom, after much debating on whether she wanted to or not, and ended up having the best time of her life. Considering what a fiasco the other school dances end up, I was relieved to say the least. We figured it out, though: the prom wasn't held at the high school! She had one anxiety attack, but her friends helped her through it with the co-operation of a teacher who let them break rules by leaving the building and coming back in. Teacher stayed with them, of course. So since they were chaperoned, *I* don't consider it breaking the rules. So there! Thanks, teach...
eric is such a lil' hottie, ain't he? and i was gorgeous.
pity there's a LEAF on my damned forehead...
i wouldn't say everything went well, but there are worse things. like what happened b/t danielle and kensee for instance.
love you mom!
You write very well.
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