To all my Pagan pals, HAPPY BELTANE!!
Tonight the plan is for a Birthday/Beltane Bonfire Blast, to celebrate Alanda turning 18. I get to chaperone a bunch of teenagers, yippee. At least no one has griped because I demand it is booze-free; when she turns 21 it will be a different story. Until then, no underage drinking on my property. After then, probably still no drinking on my property! Too many things can go wrong, because so many people just don't know when to stop. What can I say, I'm a party-pooper. {ha}
Printing up the graduation invitations for all the people that I don't have email addresses for. Since I haven't worked for awhile, don't get welfare, and just found out that I won't be getting a tax refund after all, anyone that I can email gets their invitation that way. God, how I do love the Internet! Except for Yahoo right now..... I want to take their "Error 999" and stick it right in their USB ports....
Eddy is still dead, but my favorite techie emailed me directions to diagnose the issue. Also got input from a local, and had my own thought as a result of his suggestion. Hopefully one of the suggestions will work to resuscitate poor Eddy; since I am not likely to receive another free computer in this lifetime, and if I DID get one I would be hard-pressed to find a name for it. Maybe I should start going with names of Girl Singers instead of Boy Singers... except that all we females KNOW that computers are male. (Could always compromise with Boy George or Alice Cooper...)
Alice Cooper was on Last Call with Carson Daly this week, and has written a new book. Alice Cooper, heavy metal rocker for what--thirty years?-- is a golf addict. And admits it on national tv. What guts! And to prove it, here is the cover as shown at I just might request this at the library, just to see what The Man has to say. Like our library would get a book by ALICE COOPER, ha that's a good one! The man could write a book on Bible Study and they would find an excuse not to get it because of his "history"... hey, Vincent, if by chance you read this, I challenge you to write that Bible History Study so I can prove my theory of intolerance at my local library! And I promise to buy a copy if you will come to Union City to autograph it for me!
Here's a great quote from his website bio:
However, if that's not stomach-churning enough for you, then consider this, perhaps his sickest outrage: Alice Cooper actually ran for President of the United States against that other paragon of perversion, Richard Nixon. What's really sick, though, is that Alice lost. [italics and bold print are my addition.]
Hey, if The Terminator and Jesse Ventura can be elected governors, why not?! Vincent, run again: you will definitely have MY vote! And now that Alanda is 18, I can't guarantee her mind but would bet my yarn stash, or even my Sharyn McCrumb novels, that you will have HER vote. (If not, she is not my clone after all!)...
OK, I will get off my political soapbox for now. And start saving up my pennies for Vincent's campaign drive! Need to get home and start frying hamburgers for the Bash, and pick up the cake on my way home. Didn't get the original cake that I wanted, had to settle for the mundane-yet-appropriate purple flowers. (Alanda means "purple flower.") So if you are reading this today and in my neighborhood, stop by a burger and some cake and ice cream!
And don't forget, graduation is next month!

On Sunday, June 3, 2007 At 2:00 PM Union City High School
430 St. Joseph Street Union City, MI 49094
Come early for a good parking space!
Please join us for cake and punch after the ceremony at our home Three blocks from the school.
School Colors: Maroon and Grey
Please join us for cake and punch after the ceremony at our home Three blocks from the school.
School Colors: Maroon and Grey
Class Colors: Maroon and White
Favorite Colors: Silver and Black
1 comment:
"No underage drinking." You realize a month later you put tequila in the punch bowl at my Graduation Party... That party was a blast though (birthday, graduation was just weird)
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