Mrs. Wattie, the art teacher at the high school, had a boy Monday. His name is Vincent, and this blankie should last him into high school. The granny squares are the "fancy" ones, with interlocking loops at the corners. The rows alternate squares of red/yellow/blue (primary colors) with white borders, with squares of purple/orange/green (secondary colors) with white borders. Then each row is bordered, top to bottom: red, orange, yellow,green, blue, purple (rainbow order). Finally, the whole blanket is bordered with white, red, yellow, blue, white, purple, orange, green and white, with picoted scallops along the final border. That's Alanda in the photo, holding the blanket upside down. RED AT THE TOP, I told her. Well, we were all a little upside-down that weekend...
Now I am working on one for Liam's counselor at the elementary. She had a boy back in December, his name is Dylan. This one is a new pattern that I finally learned, the mile-a-minute. The strips are variegated blue, with borders of medium blue and red. Looks pretty good so far; have one more strip to make, then sew together the last three strips, and I can take photos. This one is a bit smaller than I usually like to make, because in adapting the original afghan pattern I shortened it a bit more than I thought. Still plenty big for a baby blanket, though. I just like to make blankies that can be used for a LOOOOONG time. Figure if I put that much work into it, the recipient better get lots of use out of it!
I've also started a baby blanket for Tricia, who writes for Frank Talk Magazine (see the link to Ruthi's column at the right). Tricia writes the column, All in a M0mmy's Day; she has a ten-year-old daughter and an eight-year-old son, and little Luci is due in late May/early June. (We all know that the doctor says one thing, but the babies never listen to THEM!) I told her to hold out for June 5th, Ruthi's birthday. This one is another MAM pattern, in pink and white. I got even more creative with this one; playing with the pattern, adding licks and tricks here and there... I have a vision, and it will turn out that way come heck or high water!!! (HA!) Watch this space for further updates and photos of work-in-progress!
I was going to do a whole post about the dead elmo in front of Ben's house, but he still hasn't emailed me the photo he took of it and I never got one done myself before the thaw. Once the ice melted this week (for a few days) someone wasted no time in getting rid of the elmo body... before that it was frozen to the sidewalk. When Ben tried to pull it out of the ice it made very bad sounds, so it was left until warmer days. I made a comment about salting the ice so it would melt faster, and of course then I walked home singing about salted dead elmos and kentucky fried big birds with a helping of mashed snufflalumpalous. I have no idea how to spell snufflalumpalous, and really don't care; I may write the post even without the photo, but it wouldn't be the same. Ben, send me that photo!!! I have so many plans for that picture... photoshop is a wonderful program! {evil giggle}
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