This isn't the best photo, but the batteries in my beloved digital camera were on their last positrons. I put it over Liam while he was sleeping, thus proving that YES it is big enough for a growing baby (I had my doubts at one point). The mommy has promised to send me a photo of baby and blankie, when she does it will be posted for posterity. Stop laughing, I'm serious here...
Have started the pink baby blanket for Tricia, the Mommy's Day columnist for FrankTalk. Little Luci Lyn is due around Ruthi's birthday, so I am fairly confident that I will get it done in time. It is looking *so* good, if I say so myself. The center of the MAM strip is hot pink, with borders of white and pastel pink. There will be two panels with dark pink centers instead of hot pink centers; in my mind's eye it is delightfully pretty. Even though it's pink... I can't help it that pink is not my favorite color (although an awesome singer!!), but I gotta admit that this one is an exception to the rule. (The hot pink helps, it really "shouts" and offsets the sleepiness of the white and pastel.)
Am thinking about making a maroon and gray one for Alanda for her graduation. That's this June, too, so if I do it needs to be started soon. If I use two strands at once and a P hook, I could get it done in no time (if the arthritis doesn't flare up too badly). The finger I tried to break (by falling on the ice) is a little better, I can use it to type on the computer now. But still have a LOT of pain when bending it or straightening it. Not to mention the swelling, which is hard to notice because my fingers are so chunky in the first place... Yes, my life sucks. Get over it! If I can put up with the bu--sh-- that is my life, so can you!!!
Want to make a blanket for my best bud, Diana, but since she is going through Cleaning Mode, I hate to give her something else to be put away for the summer. Besides that, she is a much better and more prolific crafter than I am; it would be like cooking for Martha Stewart. Except that I like Diana, and I don't like Martha. I used to make her lap quilts every year for Christmas, until I finally got to see some of her quilting. The woman did impossibly tiny stitches! I am nowhere near that skilled, in spite of all the years of practice. But I keep trying, and need to get to work on the baby quilt mom wants me to make for Baby James (my sister's step-daughter's new baby). But it is so much more fun to write! I wrote a "ghost column" for Ruthi, in case she doesn't get her column done in time this week. I must say, it is pretty good-- although nowhere near her talent! Will post it on my website Just Call Me F7 later tonight, I think...
Well, time to read this week's FrankTalk online and get my website updated! Check out the website, and write something in my new guestbook!
Your blankets look great! I haven't crocheted lately, but I have a blanket "half done" (I'm not sure which half, guess it depends on how you look at it LOL).
Even though your friend Diana is good, it is still nice to receive something that is handmade. I think a craftperson appreciates far more than "others" how much effort and thought was put into the gift.
Have a good one (:
She's right!
But I also would LOVE to have a tiny art piece to hang on the wall and pet now and then. Actually, I think I'd like that more! Whatever you make has good Lynx energy!
About the arthritis, someone suggested wrapping a big thick handle around the crochet hook using self-sticking stretchy brown bandage stuff. Its why I learned to knot, the crochet was murdering my hands. (And I don;t hand quilt anymore either)
Oh! and I don't use the desk computer often (can;t sit upright for long) lease email me so I can save your email tot he lap top and write to you about YOU writing.
u seriously need to update this thing.
also, tia's mom had her baby... sorry u missed it
w/o a blanket. i love you.
tia says hi. also, be OVERLY EXCESSIVELY NICE to danielle. and if u see her b/f... kick his ass to hell and don't be nice to kensee. i'll tell u more when i get home from school. also, i'm not sure but i may be staying after and hangin' out w/danielle and eric. danielle has a severe anger issue right now and no one can blame her and if she goes home, murder will commence... so i think she should stay w/me...
love you lots,
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