Either there is something in the water (good thing I drink Pepsi!) or there was a party I wasn’t invited to (wouldn’t have gone anyway; I’m in hermit mode until spring). Whichever, there are new babies all over in my life!
In no particular order…

Marie has a new grandson, named Ethan, isn’t he an absolute doll! Grandkids are great; spoil them and send them home! (No, I don’t have any of my own, and it better stay that way for a *long* time!)
My sister’s stepdaughter had a baby boy last week, his name is James, and I don’t have any photos yet. Big surprise, since I don’t even have any photos of the stepdaughter! Shoot, I’m lucky to get photos of my sister! Found a bunch from when we were little, but recent ones are few and far between…
The counselor at my son’s elementary school had a baby boy during the Christmas Break (December 22, to be exact). She should be back to work next month, so I have time to make a blanket; I didn’t know ahead of time, because I only got to see her a few times at the beginning of the school year and she was really NOT showing. I didn’t get his name yet…
The art teacher at the high school is currently pregnant; my oldest daughter has her for art and last semester my youngest daughter had her for Spanish. My mom has a friend at work that is pregnant, not due for quite awhile yet (but boy -- how time flies). And finally, George’s niece Cherish is pregnant. If there is anyone else in the family that is in the family way, nobody has bothered to tell us yet… I think that six babies/babies-in-progress is enough for now! My fingers are starting to hurt already, thinking of all the blankets to be made…. Oh yes, let’s not forget that I have a friend with a pregnant friend. So I guess that makes seven; I probably won’t be asked to make a blanket for the friend’s friend, but one never knows! Maybe if I don’t mention it to the friend, and stop knitting or crocheting or sewing whenever he is around so that maybe he will forget that I do that…. Nope,
*that* ain’t going to happen! After all, this is the friend that I knitted a six-foot scarf for one year, and he still has the crocheted octopus that I made him for Christmas about, let me see, twenty-one years ago. Oh lord, now I am really depressed, it
can’t have been that long!!! But my oldest is almost eighteen, and we were friends about four years before she was conceived (NO, not by this male friend!!!)… Jeez, time really does fly by! Seems like only last week that we met at the library…
Yep, I got some good, long-time friends! And
so far, none of them are pregnant this month…