This is a photo of the very first blanket/bedspread that I ever crocheted. Granny squares, 48 of the little stinkers, made from whatever scrap yarn I could find or beg from Grandma. I gave it to my sister for her birthday that year, I don't even know what year it was now. That's how long I have been doing these things. Rumor has it that my mother still has the blanket safely tucked away. (Knowing her house, and the field mice that sneak in when the cats are watching satellite TV, I don't know if "safely" is the most accurate term...)
I like making granny squares, they are portable and second-nature. I used to make them during my breaks at work, sitting in the cafeteria with my eyes closed, crocheting away at 50 miles per hour. Once, I made a bedspread for a friend's graduation, and in the time crunch I was actually working on it in the car at stop lights. And sometimes at go lights... but I got it done in time!
I'm making a granny square baby blanket for one of the high school teachers. Or I was until I got sidetracked into making Christmas gifts. Now that THAT is over, I can get back to the baby blankie. It's about two-thirds done, so no worries mate...

Here is the bedspread I spent about two years making for my friend Rick. Notice that this one is NOT granny squares, hence the lengthy work-time. When it's a huge (full-size bed) one-piece, the blanket gets pretty heavy after a point, and in the summer heat you do NOT want to be working on a fifty-pound blanket! Plus, couldn't tote the pieces around in a little tote bag to work on in odd moments. But, after all that and then some, I did get it finished and even delivered to Rick. I was even fortunate enough to get there on a day when he had film in his Polaroid, so I was able to get this picture of him with the blanket on his bed. Have more on the film in my Real Camera, to be developed in 50 or so years when I get the film used. The yarns used in this are Mexicana Variegated, Royal Blue, Purple, Emerald Green, and Black. All Red Heart brand. All bought brand new just for this project, an event that doesn't occur very often!
So, keep an eye out here for more pix, thanks to Wonderful Carole and my digie cam!
1 comment:
Hmm, guess I'll having to look into taking pictures again. Haven't done that since my little 110 bit the dust (:
Have experimented with granny squares, I like them until I have to sew them together. (heh, heh)
Forgive me for being dense, but who is Delores Stewart Riccio? Have been looking for a new read lately.
Just found the new Catherine Coulter FBI novel. If you like suspense it's a good one.
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