As I sit here at home typing this for the library, I glanced out the window and see that the Goddess needs some Selsun Blue Shampoo; Her dandruff is all over the place and more wafting down as I write. How sad. I just don't care for the cold, I would probably see the prettiness easier if it were warm. If that makes no sense, sorry. *I* know what I mean! I never did like the snow-in-the-poppyfield scene in Wizard of Oz, snow belongs in pretty little jars with scenery... safely enclosed where it can do no harm. Brrr....
Have accomplished one goal for the New Year: 51 weeks to go! I got my kitchen drawers cleaned out and organized. Well, the ones by the sink, at least. The ones in the huge-ass cupboard are PIPs: Projects In Progress. I plan to move around the "furniture" in the kitchen, my microwave cart and the cupboards and the hutch, THEN I can clean the cupboard drawers and cupboards. That's a scary thought; if I don't post for a while, send the Marines to do Search & Rescue! What's the current reward for finding Jimmy Hoffa? I could use a few bucks, and it wouldn't surprise me in the least to find him in the back of one of these cupboards. I *have* to get the cupboards re-organized, as I got some boxes of pans and dishes and other kitcheny miscellanea. I am the Queen of Hand-me-downs; unlike some people, I have absolutely no problem accepting someone's cast-offs. Just don't tell me that you have dishpan hands from washing everything before you brought it to me, when it is obvious even to my poor eyesight that these pans haven't seen the inside of a sink since Reagan's presidency! OK, I'm done venting now... I don't mind cleaning the stuff, after all it's not like I paid a fortune for it (my favorite four-letter "F" word: FREE!). I just hate the recovery from scrubbing, stupid arthritis anyway.
Finished re-reading Delores Stewart Riccio's Circle of Five, Charmed Circle, The Divine Circle of Ladies Making Mischief, and am now re-reading The Divine Circle of Ladies Courting Trouble. Don't you just love books that you can re-read and enjoy as much the second (third, fourth...) time as you did the first time! The Tory O'Shea mysteries by Rett MacPherson are another series I can read repeatedly. And of course the Appalachian mysteries by Sharyn McCrumb. Recently re-read If I'd Killed Him When I Met Him, was just as good this time around. (With a title like that, how could it be anything BUT fabulous!)
OK, time to finish this posting, go read Ross the Intern's blog and Dusty's blog, and check today's free pattern from Annie's Attic. Then sneak over to FrankTalk and read Ruthi's column instead of waiting for the published copy to be delivered tomorrow. Ah, the advantages of the Internet!!!
1 comment:
Cleaning cupboards, whats that?
Sounds like a good idea until I hear that "voice" speaking out whenever I get near saying "Be afraid, be very afraid"...
The pattern for the scarf looks interesting. Unfortuneatly for me I can do crocheting but knit and purl and that stuff doesn't seem to like me very well, but I do okay with crocheting.
Have started on a blanket and who knows some century it may be done (:
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