Guess I'll have to have nothing to say more often! When I went home and printed up the "Nothing to say today" post, it filled the page....
When I mentioned I don't know what to write about today, my oldest suggested I write about her PMS. I can sum up her PMS in one sentence: Alae PMSing makes Kali look like Mother Theresa! (For those of you who have no idea who Kali is, she is the Hindu goddess of Death, Destruction, and Revenge. NOW do you get the meaning!?!)
My other topic I have wanted to rave about, I already wrote about in an actual handwritten letter to Dusty. So for everyone else: I went to get into my Rubbermaid tub filled with yarn, that I had *told* hubby to put in the basement, but he had put in the (leaky) garage instead. He told me after the *SCENE* that he had checked it before he put the lid on, but it looks like he didn't check very hard, because there was almost two inches of water in the bottom. You can imagine the condition of the yarn... not pretty. Not pretty at all... and of course it was a BIG tub of yarn. So, being the frugal (re: CHEAP) (re: POOR) chickybabe that I am, I decided to try to save as much as I could. Got the old washtub out, started sorting skeins, and what was beyond all hope I pitched and the rest I washed out and rinsed.... and rinsed.... and rinsed.... then hung on the clothesline to dry. Hanks of yarn on the line are so pretty, I considered not actually crocheting anything but just hanging the hanks on the wall to look pretty-fied. Considered taking a photo, but only had B&W film in the camera, which would defeat the purpose of all the pretty colors, so just took a mental picture. Then when it all dried, took it down, put it in a laundry basket, and started crocheting a blanket for my brother Chris. Which I may very well finish before he turns 43... (He is 23 now, until Christmas).
Got a letter in the mail from my mom Sandy, nice to know that *some* of my family still love me. Thanks, Mom!!! I found a letter I started to her about a month ago, never finished, wish I had found before I started a whole new letter that I did get done and mailed.... oh well.... I might just write some more on it and send it anyway, it's only four weeks out of date....
Have to get to work on a birthday card for a friend, Rick will be 54 this Thursday. I won't be able to post that day, as the library is closed on Thursdays, but sometime between then and now and Friday I will find one of his photos on disk and post it here with a birthday wish. He won't get to see it because he doesn't have Internet at home and doesn't know how to work a computer at the library (and in Coldwater they are honestly too busy to spend much time in instruction; the ones working the desk in the reference room where the computers are, are also manning phones and copiers and helping find books on the interloan sites, and their hardest job, getting the kidlets to behave.) And they have a rule that only one person can be at a computer at a time, so * I *can't teach him how to Websurf... I understand the rule, because the kids get together to watch each other play games, and they get rowdy. But there are times when the rule is just plain stupid, like when I want to teach someone how to NetSurf!!!
OK, I am done ranting now. About that, at least. {grin} I can't believe it is almost Solstice already, where did the Spring go? Oh, I forgot, in Michigan Spring lasts about ten minutes... I modified a recipe to create Solstice Pancakes. Tried it today, they were pretty good. So will have to make them on Wednesday! Maybe the next time I make them I will be able to keep the pancake batter OFF my shirt!!! Of course I didn't notice the mess until I was almost to the library. No one has said anything rude about it yet, of course the day is young yet...
Milk and Pepsi both on sale at the grocery store. Yippee!! So, since I am going to be thrown off in a couple of minutes, I will finish this and post, then go buy groceries. How exciting.... Will end with my new favorite quote: Save the Earth, it's the only planet that has chocolate!
What I've Been Doing This Year
6 years ago
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