Friday, December 14, 2007
Bah Humbug

Monday, November 05, 2007
My Mom's Treasure

I Needle Little Lovin'

This is a photo of some of the famous recycled tote-bags I have been working on. The red one was a gift to a neighbor, the two smaller ones are currently in use for small projects when I am on-the-go, and I also made a purple one like the big red one for myself. The big ones (and some of the small ones) have an extra "pocket" inside to tuck scissors, hook, etc. Is this a great use for old laundry soap bottles or what! And there are more to come, of a totally different design. The smaller ones shown are made using old bleach bottles. The unshown design... is made from all sorts of laundry soap bottles. Photo forthcoming when I get a new battery for my camera (it's an older one that uses the more expensive watch batteries, not the cheapie AA ones...) Can't complain about the cost of the better batteries, as much as I get to use my camera nowadays, the batteries literally last years. Can't even remember what year I last replaced them! (Not that THAT is surprising, I can't remember squat anymore...)
Have also been refining the pattern I have for 2-needle socks. The original pattern is for 2-3 year old kids; by changing needle sizes I have been able to make them adult size. Even doubled the yarn and use size 15 needles to make super-thick ones. Yummy warm, but need to refine the leg part a little more. Have been partying with the box of yarn Dusty sent and making shorty socks and super-sorty socks. The super-shorty ones are basically just slippers, but there are a lot of people that wear socks that are that short, so I am calling them socks! They are so pretty, because Dusty sends BEAUTIFUL yarns! My mom will be getting a green pair for Christmas, made with super-soft green yarn and green eyelash yarn that Dusty sent; luckily Mom doesn't get online unless I am with her to help, so I can tell that big secret! And will include a photo when I get the famous batteries. (Actually have the socks FINISHED already. Wow me!!) And I totally love the result, so will be making quite a few more pairs for her (and eventually myself--- always after everyone else's). Providing I still have use of my hands after all the typing I am doing today!
Watched "Phenomenon" this week, or at least parts of it. Warning: VENTING NEXT MILE! One fellow claimed to be channeling the spirit of an author to learn what selected item was in a sealed box. He communicated via "spirit writing".
The item turned out to be a toy car. The "author's" description was: "Metal. Rectangle. 4 weels."
Yes, that is an accurate transcription. "Weels". Now, if *I* were a deceased author, communicating by WRITING on LIVE NATIONAL TV, I would certainly take the brief half second necessary to SPELL THE WORD "WHEELS" CORRECTLY!!!!! An AUTHOR, for crying out loud! I wanted to reach into the screen and bitch-slap the guy. And tell him that his acting sucked worse than my spinning; did a great impression of a gran mal seizure, but not of interacting with spirits. Unless he was being possessed by a demon, and we all know that authors aren't demons: EDITORS are!
OK, now I feel better. Thank you. Back to watching "The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert" and banning the show "Phenomenon" from my television set permanently. Even though Ross the Intern was one of the "judges"-- I love Ross, but even he can't make up for that!
Great. DH is here, so need to end this and get offline. And now have to give up the computer anyway. Happy frigging Monday...
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Spoons and Forks and Spatulas, Oh My!
On the walk to town to use the library computers, not only did Alanda have to walk behind and give me a gentle nudge up the hill, but when we got to Town and I faced the steps to the sidewalk, I learned that I couldn't bend my knee to go up them. Tried, got one step, and learned that I couldn't put the pressure on the knee to actually move up the steps. Had to walk the long way around to where the sidewalk levels out, which would be ok except that in order to avoid even the single step in front of the library, I would have had to walk another half-block and then back. Which, of course, my knees were hurting too much to permit. So ended up sitting on the short wall and swinging my legs around, and let Alanda pull me up to standing. How embarassing, not to mention painful. At least she knows enough to not just jerk on my arm, or I would be in even worse shape.
This is so pathetic. I hurt too much to walk but am not to the point of needing a wheelchair. Which is a very good thing, as I would never be able to get in or out of my house, since the landlord removed the ramp at the back door when they tore down my garage. Thank Goddess that George is able to walk better since he had the stent put in, or I would have to sue the landlord to get another ramp. He had an awful time making that step, when he was having so much trouble with his legs and balance. So guess that I shouldn't complain. But dammit, my knees hurt and I am tired of living like this and the condescending looks from people that think I am less than worthy because I don't have a job. People would be a bit more polite if I had an "obvious" disability; Parkinson's, for example, or a cast or brace, or something that shows the whole frigging world that "Yes, I do have physical issues, I am not 'just being lazy' or 'thinking I am too good to do certain jobs'." There are days that I want to just pull my hair out by the roots, except it hurts too much to lift my arms that high. (Thought: is that why I am determined to grow my hair long in spite of the care hassles? Trying to get it long enough to pull out without having to lift my arms? Hmmm, could be....)
I realize that there are people in the world with much worse problems than my own, so don't start lecturing me on how I should count my blessings. Believe me, I do appreciate what I do have. Starting with friends like Dusty, who passed the Spoon theory on in her blog. Gives me something to make funny remarks with, such as the time I said I had not only used up all my spoons but had even worn out the spatula. If I couldn't be sarcastic or amusing or whatever you want to call it, I would be so whiney that Dr. Jack would break his parole... For the good of everyone around me, of course; ease their suffering of having to listen to me! (See, more funny ha-ha comments.)
Now that I have typed all this, I am looking forward to going home and sucking down a handful of pain pills. OK, really just one or two. With the arthritis I probably couldn't actually hold a real handful, so put down the phone, I am NOT suicidal. But I will have to put off the pain pills for a few more hours, because tonight is Ruthi's band festival at the high school and I really want to go; and while the pain pills work (sort of), they knock me out more than anything. I don't want to lay down for a little nap before the festival because of the pain pills; I know that it would be more like "Wake up it's MORNING" instead. So, the pills will wait until much later. Wish I could find a compromise, something that makes the pain go away without making me sleep for ten hours... Oh well. (Deep subject: turn it sideways and you have a tunnel. Sorry, had to throw that comment in for old times sake!)
Going to mosey over to My Yearbook and MySpace and see what is happening with the rest of the world. See you in Cyberworld!
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Everything in a Nutshell (and I'm the Nut!)

Have been working on some of my crochet projects; overdid it yesterday and today so am paying for it with very sore and tired hands. Makes the typing a bit slower (not that it CAN be much slower…). But I got my purple project bag done, the red one for my neighbor done, the red one for my friend Joanne done, and the autumnal-colored smaller bag done for my mommy. Even got photos, this time! The film is at the store awaiting developing, should be back by Wednesday but then I have to get to Coldwater and have $$$$ at the same time. One or the other I can usually do; it’s the simultaneous activity that throws me off. Hopefully the photos will turn out, since it turns out that my batteries finally died. They do last a long time…. But not forever!
George goes in Thursday to have cataract surgery. Hopefully he will be able to see better afterward, and able to read again. Next step is to get him a hearing aid, so he can stop YELLING BECAUSE HE CAN’T HEAR HIMSELF OR ANYONE ELSE! Not that I am complaining… there are times that his hearing is perfect, usually when you don’t want him to hear you. But the majority of the time, he mishears you just enough to get a good fight going. And of course, he swears that he heard you right. One of my favorite quotes comes to mind: I know you think you understand what I’m saying, but I don’t believe that what you heard is the same as what I said. Or something like that; used to have it on a card somewhere. Now that card is in A Safe Place.
Updated my Myspace profile a bit, check it out. Gotta get home and read the Charlaine Harris novel that the library got for me. And all the other ones in the stack! Easier on the fingers than crocheting, but at least with the crocheting I can watch TV or movies while I work, the kinetic memory works while the brain vegs out on brain-numbing Hypno-gourd activity (if you don’t follow that reference, then go and read anything Xanth by Piers Anthony!).
Monday, October 01, 2007
Still here!
George had to go to the ER earlier this month, spent just under a week at Bronson Hospital in Kalamazoo. There is a special place in heaven for the nurses on the cardiology unit, for putting up with him when he started to feel better! He is a grand pick (yes, I meant to type the "P"!!) when he doesn't feel like crapola. They never really figured out exactly what caused his "spell," but did plenty of tests and sent him home happier than when he went in. Of course, at the ER when the doctor wanted to transfer him, he didn't want to go; so the nurse, being a smart woman, handed the consent form to ME to sign. HA HA, we gals stick together, old man! Sometimes men just have to be taken care of, whether they want to be or not.
The one good thing about his stay, was that he got to talk with some of his sisters that he doesn't get to see very often, and he even had visits from his niece and one of his daughters... who brought her month-old baby with her. We are always the last to know..... Wish he would have been able to get a photo, but will be content with his happiness to see Soo Ming. Now that he is home, hope that family and friends will continue to STAY IN TOUCH WITH HIM. Some of us appreciate family!
Our favorite granddaughter got to spend this past weekend with us, so he was REALLY feeling happy when he saw her. She doesn't get down here often, and never gets the message when we call her (thank gods for email!), so Poppy doesn't get to see her as much as he would like to. She is a good kid, and I actually like having her around; the ultimate compliment from me! Ha...
Found George's family tree album, and need to do some updates with all the new nieces and nephews that have been born since I originally compiled it for him. So, will end this post and go do that right now. And make a sign for the laundrymat. And print a pattern for Joanne. Will try to do better with my postings for the next few months..... really!!!
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
New Sites and Other News
Which brings me to the other news: I *FINALLY* started my things-I-have-made scrapbook, actually putting pictures and comments into a REAL notebook. Well, the photos that I HAVE, anyway; there are so many things I have made that were never photographed. Like the crocheted motorcycle that I designed and made for my MAN back in the day. Never wrote down the pattern because I fully intended to NEVER make another one again. Yet here I am years later, without the motorcycle, without a photo, and without a pattern. Oh, and without the MAN, so I doubt that the motorcycle even exists anymore. Moral of the story, crafters: TAKE LOTS OF PHOTOS!
Friday, August 10, 2007
More Political Humor
Hopefully, our country is still free enough that I won't end up in Guantanamo Bay for posting this! Democracy rocks... now if only it were a democracy instead of a millionaire-ocracy. But that's just My Humble Opinion.
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Reunion is a great site!

It is so nice to know that I still have friends left alive... at least two of my classmates that I *wanted* to see at reunions have died, one from a heart attack, one from a car accident. Another classmate died of pneumonia, another from a heart attack (but he wasn't my "pal" like Crystal was), and yet another from cancer (not too long after graduation, whereas the rest have been in the last ten years). Guess I should be grateful that we are all too old for active duty, or at least I hope we are, because I haven't heard of any of my classmates dying in Iraq or Afghanistan. Yet. Now that I have opened that can of worms for the Fates to get ideas from...
Anyway, I am just a happy little camper now, and what would make me happier would be if Mike didn't live on the other side of the frigging country now. But I can't blame him, the weather is much nicer there and the employment opportunities have GOT to be better than here. And he owns his own house! Hey, Mike, looking for a roomie? JK, or am I????
I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Goddess Bless the Internet!
Monday, July 23, 2007
Happy Birthday!
Friday, June 29, 2007
Died in the Wool
I may have to take a bus to St. Louis and get a copy directly from the author, at this rate!
At least the other novels by her are all okay, so I am re-reading them (again).
I did get an email from Rett, that her next novel will be out next year: The Blood Ballad. I offered to proofread it for her for free... haven't heard back yet. Hey, I am addicted to Torie O'Shea, I admit it!!!
Still kicking here in Hicksville...
There, I've had my say. Wicca Rocks, thank you very much.
Patches had two kittens yesterday, as of 5 this morning they were still alive and healthy. Not to be negative, but we'll see how long that will last. The last few batches of kittens have all passed to Bast before reaching one month. Sad, because they were so frigging cuuuuute. But Al got a kitten from a neighbor, that is actually the offspring of our beautiful missing Casey, and Amour (she named him) is doing beautifully and being a treat to have around. I told her today that when she moves out I am keeping her cat. She didn't like that idea at all, so I told her that if she moves somewhere that she can't keep him (like a college dorm room) then we would be happy to take care of him while she's gone. That went over better.
Will someday get around to posting a photo of Casey, he has been missing since we sold the van this spring. I don't know if he snuck in before it left, or if one of the neighbors shot him, or took him into their house and kept him, or if he just ran off to die somewhere. Or found some fresh you-know-what to interest him and took off after her. But we miss him, he was a sweet cat for being a crazy Siamese.
OK, that's it for now. Need to go home and wash dishes. How exciting is my life?!?!?!?!
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Day Late...

This photo was taken back in 1993 at a Union City basketball game that their son Rick was playing in. The sign refers to the fact that the last time the Chargers won the state finals was in 1961, and this year the team was going for a repeat. Sadly, they didn't make it to the finals that year, but got awfully close and gave it a heck of a shot. I will never forget the sight of Matt (approximately 5'4") literally jumping over a 6' player from the opposing team. Or for that matter, the expression on the other player's face! Somebody somewhere must have it on video, I would like to see THAT posted on YouTube! Don't look at me, though, I didn't even have the still camera with me that particular night...
Rick did go on to set a school record for points scored or rebounds or something like that. Don't ask me, it's a sports thing.... the only sport I do is Quiz Bowl! I did make him a maroon and gray quilt with a Charger horse, and his sports info embroidered in the corners, for his graduation. I do have a photo somewhere, need to find it for my famous Scrapbook (the one that currently exists only in my mind.... and that's a scary place to be lost!)
Friday, June 15, 2007
Paradise on Planet Earth
Even though the Rett MacPherson novel had some printing difficulties (eight pages were from a totally different book!), it was a wonderful read. Think I'll wait for the next printing before I buy my own copy, hopefully they will fix those little errors then.
But best of all, and the reason for the title of today's rambling, is that I *FINALLY* got to go to BC Burgers in Battle Creek and get a hamburger. Divine is ten steps short of accurate... these burgers are better than Shaner's (sorry, dude) and even better than my bomb-burgers. Brought one home for Alanda because she didn't get to go with us, and it was still warm after the twenty-minute drive home. And still dee-lish-ous... (I offered to eat it for her, but she would have taken my head off if I had actually tried.) I am telling you, these burgers are fabulous.... and I have missed them so much!!! If the terrorists would eat beef, I would bring them all over here (a few at a time, the building isn't that big) and buy them all lunch at BC Burger; and thus would end all wars forever. Because you can't feel anything negative after eating one of their meals! YUMYUMYUM!!!!! I could almost deal with the high school right now (and that is saying a lot!). Shoot, I even forgive St. Martin's Minotaur for screwing up Rett's new novel, and you KNOW that is a big deal!!!
Mmmmmmm, I will feel good for awhile now... even though I will be booted off the computer here at the library in a couple of minutes so need to end this and get it posted. Remember, when you are feeling down just get to Battle Creek and get a BC Burger; cheaper than Valium and a whole lot more effective!
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Finally Got my Book!

New stuff on the website
Daddy's Home, and Other Ramblings
George went to the hospital last week, was transferred to Kalamazoo and had a pacemaker put in. He is feeling better now than he has for the last couple of years. I am feeling a lot of relief, I must admit. Just have to learn how to cook again, now that he is on a low-sodium, low-cholesterol diet. Low sodium wouldn't be a problem, I use every spice except salt it seems like; however, there are so many things out there that don't necessarily have salt but their sodium levels are outrageous. Even cottage cheese! Luckily, he is LOW not NO sodium; as long as *I* dish out the food he will be ok. Before, he would eat the entire container of cottage cheese; now, with me playing Cook of the Day, he gets a small serving (about half the recommended serving size) and that is all. Of course, last night I went "fancy"... I put some cottage cheese in a bowl, added some peach low-fat yogurt, mixed it all together and tossed some fresh-picked strawberries on top. Looked cute, and was even tasty enough that he ate every last bite. I know it sounds kind of yucky, but that's because I don't like cottage cheese myself. The finished result looked and tasted like a pudding. (Personally, I still prefer chocolate!)
Darrell and Savvy were here for the weekend, a great time was had by all. He fixed the neighbor's friend's kid's bike for him, mowed my lawn (which is what George was doing that sent him to the hospital in the first place), and gave the kids a good lecture on how to behave when Daddy got home from the Cardiology Unit. Savvy totally defeated my lectures to everyone in town that Darrell is NOT my boyfriend, by calling me Mom. But since she is one of my Adopted Kids, I can cope... after all, at one point she was my granddaughter, before her birthmother decided that she wasn't my stepdaughter after all. Talk about your one-branch family tree...
Anyway, the Weeks Family Reunion is in a couple of weeks, and I am hoping to get to attend this year. Have an old family photo that I am HOPING someone can identify. We know the man in it is Grandpa Smith, but the woman is unfamiliar. A pox on the people that don't write names and dates on the back of photos!!! (Or that do, then glue them in an album so that you can't read the backs!) For that matter, a pox on whoever got me interested in genealogy! With names like Smith, Jones, Brown, Weeks, and Carpenter on the family tree, Tylenol is a good investment...
Cheaper than tequila, too....
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Help Me!!!

Thanks folks. I needed to vent a bit there for a second!
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Photos to Blackmail With...

The first one is Alanda, in her room, I don't know exactly when it was taken. Recently, that much I am sure of.
The second photo is of Eric, no idea when Al took this of him but do know that it is in the gym at the high school. You can tell because the lighting pretty much sucks for photography in there. But he still looks cute...
Eric was one of the stars of the recent comedy hit, "Nothing But the Truth," put on at the high school by Community Unlimited.

Monday, May 14, 2007
How Times Change with the Kids

Baby Books. For your first child, you take 200 photos every week, save their umbilical cord when it falls off, have their little footprints in the book, and fill out the family tree back to Adam and Eve. Second child, you get their birthday photos in, maybe, and the family tree goes back to your grandparents. Third child, the baby book is still in the wrapper at their fifth birthday party and you still haven't developed the film from their third birthday party.
Hey, no one is arguing with me! LOL
Friday, May 04, 2007
Lots of Gallimaufries Today!

Please join us for cake and punch after the ceremony at our home Three blocks from the school.
School Colors: Maroon and Grey
Monday, April 30, 2007
Eddy's Dead

Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Duh Attack and Spring Fever

Another Accomplishment, and Life in a Small Town

Not the best photo, but they are so cute and warm! These are the pink baby booties I made to go with the baby blanket I made for Tricia from FrankTalk fame.
Just dropped them and the blanket off at the local dimestore, for her dad to pick up tomorrow when he delivers the magazine. I just love living in a small town! Couldn't do that at your local WalMart!!! Although there are many times I can think of things I DON'T love about living in a small town, the good stuff outweighs the bad. Although I would still rather live in the countryside of the small town, rather than smack in the center, but without a car this is the best spot for us. I can walk to the grocery store, and the laundrymat, and the post office, and the library, and the schools, and sometimes I even get really lucky and someone stops and gives me a ride. Not going to happen in New York City, I bet!
What really gets me, is that Alanda wants so much to live in New York City, second choice is Chicago; but she is adamant that she won't move to Battle Creek because it is too dangerous! Now, I won't say that the town isn't dangerous, ANY town can be; but I would be more afraid to have her live in Coldwater (smaller and "safer") because of certain conditions there. Won't go into details, just say that there are people in that town that she is safer being far away from. Since we never know when he is in or out of jail, I figure it's just best to stay away from there whenever possible. Still, afraid of Battle Creek but not of NYC. I give up figuring this kid out!
Not that she is much of a kid anymore. She went to the prom, after much debating on whether she wanted to or not, and ended up having the best time of her life. Considering what a fiasco the other school dances end up, I was relieved to say the least. We figured it out, though: the prom wasn't held at the high school! She had one anxiety attack, but her friends helped her through it with the co-operation of a teacher who let them break rules by leaving the building and coming back in. Teacher stayed with them, of course. So since they were chaperoned, *I* don't consider it breaking the rules. So there! Thanks, teach...
Monday, March 26, 2007
Another One Done!

This isn't the best photo, but the batteries in my beloved digital camera were on their last positrons. I put it over Liam while he was sleeping, thus proving that YES it is big enough for a growing baby (I had my doubts at one point). The mommy has promised to send me a photo of baby and blankie, when she does it will be posted for posterity. Stop laughing, I'm serious here...
Have started the pink baby blanket for Tricia, the Mommy's Day columnist for FrankTalk. Little Luci Lyn is due around Ruthi's birthday, so I am fairly confident that I will get it done in time. It is looking *so* good, if I say so myself. The center of the MAM strip is hot pink, with borders of white and pastel pink. There will be two panels with dark pink centers instead of hot pink centers; in my mind's eye it is delightfully pretty. Even though it's pink... I can't help it that pink is not my favorite color (although an awesome singer!!), but I gotta admit that this one is an exception to the rule. (The hot pink helps, it really "shouts" and offsets the sleepiness of the white and pastel.)
Am thinking about making a maroon and gray one for Alanda for her graduation. That's this June, too, so if I do it needs to be started soon. If I use two strands at once and a P hook, I could get it done in no time (if the arthritis doesn't flare up too badly). The finger I tried to break (by falling on the ice) is a little better, I can use it to type on the computer now. But still have a LOT of pain when bending it or straightening it. Not to mention the swelling, which is hard to notice because my fingers are so chunky in the first place... Yes, my life sucks. Get over it! If I can put up with the bu--sh-- that is my life, so can you!!!
Want to make a blanket for my best bud, Diana, but since she is going through Cleaning Mode, I hate to give her something else to be put away for the summer. Besides that, she is a much better and more prolific crafter than I am; it would be like cooking for Martha Stewart. Except that I like Diana, and I don't like Martha. I used to make her lap quilts every year for Christmas, until I finally got to see some of her quilting. The woman did impossibly tiny stitches! I am nowhere near that skilled, in spite of all the years of practice. But I keep trying, and need to get to work on the baby quilt mom wants me to make for Baby James (my sister's step-daughter's new baby). But it is so much more fun to write! I wrote a "ghost column" for Ruthi, in case she doesn't get her column done in time this week. I must say, it is pretty good-- although nowhere near her talent! Will post it on my website Just Call Me F7 later tonight, I think...
Well, time to read this week's FrankTalk online and get my website updated! Check out the website, and write something in my new guestbook!
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Another one done in time!

Mrs. Wattie, the art teacher at the high school, had a boy Monday. His name is Vincent, and this blankie should last him into high school. The granny squares are the "fancy" ones, with interlocking loops at the corners. The rows alternate squares of red/yellow/blue (primary colors) with white borders, with squares of purple/orange/green (secondary colors) with white borders. Then each row is bordered, top to bottom: red, orange, yellow,green, blue, purple (rainbow order). Finally, the whole blanket is bordered with white, red, yellow, blue, white, purple, orange, green and white, with picoted scallops along the final border. That's Alanda in the photo, holding the blanket upside down. RED AT THE TOP, I told her. Well, we were all a little upside-down that weekend...
Now I am working on one for Liam's counselor at the elementary. She had a boy back in December, his name is Dylan. This one is a new pattern that I finally learned, the mile-a-minute. The strips are variegated blue, with borders of medium blue and red. Looks pretty good so far; have one more strip to make, then sew together the last three strips, and I can take photos. This one is a bit smaller than I usually like to make, because in adapting the original afghan pattern I shortened it a bit more than I thought. Still plenty big for a baby blanket, though. I just like to make blankies that can be used for a LOOOOONG time. Figure if I put that much work into it, the recipient better get lots of use out of it!
I've also started a baby blanket for Tricia, who writes for Frank Talk Magazine (see the link to Ruthi's column at the right). Tricia writes the column, All in a M0mmy's Day; she has a ten-year-old daughter and an eight-year-old son, and little Luci is due in late May/early June. (We all know that the doctor says one thing, but the babies never listen to THEM!) I told her to hold out for June 5th, Ruthi's birthday. This one is another MAM pattern, in pink and white. I got even more creative with this one; playing with the pattern, adding licks and tricks here and there... I have a vision, and it will turn out that way come heck or high water!!! (HA!) Watch this space for further updates and photos of work-in-progress!
I was going to do a whole post about the dead elmo in front of Ben's house, but he still hasn't emailed me the photo he took of it and I never got one done myself before the thaw. Once the ice melted this week (for a few days) someone wasted no time in getting rid of the elmo body... before that it was frozen to the sidewalk. When Ben tried to pull it out of the ice it made very bad sounds, so it was left until warmer days. I made a comment about salting the ice so it would melt faster, and of course then I walked home singing about salted dead elmos and kentucky fried big birds with a helping of mashed snufflalumpalous. I have no idea how to spell snufflalumpalous, and really don't care; I may write the post even without the photo, but it wouldn't be the same. Ben, send me that photo!!! I have so many plans for that picture... photoshop is a wonderful program! {evil giggle}
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Baby's growing up!

Now she just needs a saddle, and I would never need a car again.
Being Lab mix, she is very friendly. As in, "Oh boy somebody new to PLAY with and give me LOVIN'!!!!!" If you are under 5'3" tall, or weigh less than 175 pounds, you probably shouldn't visit, because she will take you DOWN. Not to hurt you, just to lick your face and break your leg wagging her tail.
Every time I see "Over the Hedge" I think of her, when the little Rott puppy comes on. (Nakeyta is also part Rottweiller, but it doesn't show; with her ears, I think she might have some Shepherd or Chihuahua somewhere in the DNA as well). If you have seen the movie, you know what I mean when I yell "Play! Play!" If you haven't seen the movie, go to the library and rent it, it is hilarious. When you see the puppy, picture it all grown up to Pony size, and you have 'Keyta!
One more interesting tidbit, she is Italian by osmosis. As if it weren't weird enough that my cats will eat chip-dip, my dog eats spaghetti. And goulash. If I buy a brand of hard dog food that she doesn't like, all I have to do is pour olive oil over it, or pour some spaghetti sauce on it. And no, it isn't meat-flavored sauce; remember Ruthi is a vegetarian and won't eat anything even flavored with meat. Not even ramen noodles. Great, it is officially easier to feed my fur-kins than to feed my skin-kins...
Friday, March 02, 2007

From the Chattanoogan:
James Brooks, 48, of Hixson, died Thursday, Feb. 22, 2007.
He was a native of Burlington, Mi. He was known for his hard work and dedication as product manager with Sierra Solutions.Jim loved music, football, photography and a good laugh. He enjoyed traveling extensively throughout the United States with Sierra Solutions, where he had the opportunity to make many friends. He will be greatly missed.
A beloved son, brother, father and uncle, he is survived by his mother, Carol Coffey, of Hixson; a son, Josh Brooks, of Chattanooga; siblings, John Brooks, of Reno, Nev., Sherry Parris, of Hixson, Linda Fuller, of Reno, and Shane Brooks, of Harrison; as well as several nieces and nephews.
Services were held Sunday at the North Chapel of Chattanooga Funeral Home. Entombment will be at Hamilton Memorial Gardens.Please share your thoughts and memories at Mem.com or here in the comments section. Arrangements are by the North Chapel of Chattanooga Funeral Home, Crematory & Florist, 5401 Highway 153, Hixson.
Jimmy was my cousin on my sister's side, the oldest of Aunt Carol's kids. I am so tired of the only family reunions being ones where the "guest of honor" is passed on! Worse yet, I didn't even get to attend this one, because I had no way to get clear down to Tennessee from here! {make crying sad face}. So, to all my family and friends: come up here now and visit me while I can still enjoy your visit! If the trip is too much, at least email me. I miss everyone so much...
OK, now I have to go and cry because I've started thinking of all the people that have gone on before me that I miss. Shirley, Mamaw, Papaw, Grandpa Ted, Danny, Timmy, Grandma Thelma, Grandpa Clyde, Mike, Stan, Leo, Crystal, Uncle Leon... and all the ones that I never got to meet: Grandpa Ben, Grandma Edith, Grandma Weeks...
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
My neighbor's son, the artist

Snocoming—how prophetic

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Groundhog Day and Other I Told You Sos
Am giving serious consideration to packing a suitcase (wish that Eddy the Computer was a notebook!) and hitch-hiking to Florida. Hey, Darrell, do you ever head south when you’re driving that pretty purple rig all over the country? If so, you need a co-pilot! You know where I live, haul your *** over here! We even have a real coffeepot now, so you don’t have to settle for instant coffee before we leave. (Ooh, I hear air brakes in the distance!) Be careful out there, the roads are slicker than a New York politician…
I am so proud of my mommy. She actually got to read her own email and send messages this weekend! With just a little help!

And see, I really *DO* wash my dishes!!!
Friday, February 02, 2007
Happy Imbolc! And Other Fun Stuff...

I am so happy, Ruthi's column this week in FrankTalk is about stupid people, and she never mentioned my name once! This column is a showcase of her acerbic wit; I just wish she had asked me for some examples, I have some real goodies. Like the girl at the cash register at the grocery store, that gave me Canadian coins in my change. She started to take them back, and give me "real" money (first "duh" award). Then, I told her that it was okay, that I was saving all my Canadian change in case I ever went back to visit Canada. Her answer? I swear to God and Goddess, she honestly said, "Oh! You can use it there?" in total surprise. At least she had counted the change right....
Which brings me to the next Duh Recipient: another cash register story. At a certain fast-food take-out drive-through (rhymes with Locko Hell), when the girl gave me my change for a twenty, I told her, "But I gave you a thirty." This poor kid actually looked through the cash drawer to find the thirty dollar bill I said I had given her. I let her look for a minute, then pointed out to her that there is no such thing as a thirty dollar bill. Thankfully, she had a sense of humor! She even went up front and told her co-worker what I had done to her, and they both laughed.
Sadly, in a later incident I was relating the story to my friend's fifteen-year-old daughter, and had to EXPLAIN to her why this was funny.
As in, "Kara, there is no such thing as a thirty dollar bill."
"Yes, really; I was just joking with the cashier."
"Seriously, NO there are NO thirty dollar bills, and if someone gives you one it is FAKE."
Some teenagers are just so stubborn.
But, bless their little hearts! They are so much fun to pick on! (I won't even go into poor Darcy at Jack's Grocery, who turns twelve shades of red when I ask her which aisle the Twinkies are in.)
And to prove that I am an equal-opportunity smart-aleck, I also pranked people when *I* was a cashier. Working third shift, it's pretty easy. Once, I told a group of men (at three in the morning) that I couldn't sell them cigarettes because the city council had recently passed a bill banning tobacco sales after 2 AM. After they bitched and moaned for a few minutes about politicians and government, I asked them if they believe everything they hear. And sold them the cigarettes, while we all laughed at their gullibility.
Then there was the teenager who came in to buy a bottle of Mountain Dew, and I told him he had to prove that he was over eighteen. He was quite distraught to learn that a new state law banned the sale of caffeine to minors, because it is an addictive substance. I let him pout for a minute, then sold him the pop under the condition that he not tell anyone that I did because I didn't want to lose my job for selling it to him. Bet that kid carries his ID all the time, now... (Hey, caffeine is an addictive substance, and I am honestly surprised that its sale hasn't been banned for minors! Give California a month or two after this is posted, someone will send this to the Terminator and then all California teens will be burning me in effigy!)
So, everybody watch your change, and get your holiday decorations put away so the goblins don't get you (and give you Twinkies, Darcy...)!
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Really Rambling Around

Then, thanks to the beloved digi-cam, I finally got photos of the shirt I made for Alanda, and her cloak. I used the sewing machine for the shirt, but the cloak I made before I borrowed the machine, so it is sewn entirely by hand. And amazingly, not a single bloodstain on it! Stunned that my fingers were still attached by the time I was done…

OK, got the word that I only have five minutes left, so better get this uploaded….
Friday, January 26, 2007
I weigh HOW much???
My bruises should be gone in a month or two! {LOL}
Actually, in this photo she was reacting to my joking around with my buddy John. Chick has no sense of humor! Of course, she had had a long day that day, school and 4H and little sleep. Excuses, excuses...
New semester starts next Monday. What a way to start something new, with a MONDAY. Oh well, thank the gods that * I * am done with all that!
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
A Thousand Words
Yes, I actually took a photo to prove that I cleaned and organized my cupboard! Isn’t it pretty? Now if I could only get the rest of the cupboards looking this good… time, give me time, it will happen… even this year! I promise!
Now why did I make a stupid promise like that?
Put twelve things on my to-do list for today. If I actually make it to town and get this posted, that will be one item I can cross off. Wow, there is a total of eight things that require me to go to town. So naturally it is snowing like a bee-jee-suss…look on the positive side, at least the flakes are gently falling and not blowing in a big old blizzard. Ugh, what a depressing thought! Would be much prettier to look at if I didn’t have to walk with Liam tomorrow to the dentist after school. And I know the white stuff isn’t going to go away before then…
Items in progress in the yarn department of my life: cabled scarf for me, baby blanket for the art teacher. Things to make by the end of next month: baby blanket for the counselor at the elementary, hat for Ben, apples for Ben and John, cabled wrist-warmers to match my scarf, new hat with cables (hopefully a little more snug than the one I wear now, beautiful colors and fun pattern to knit, but has been stretched out a lot since I first made it). Things to make within the next four months: baby blanket for new step-nephew, baby blanket for Mom’s friend at work, baby blanket for friend’s new grandson. Things to make during the rest of my lifetime: no, don’t think I’ll list those, there isn’t enough room on the Internet!
Randy Travis Concert, and other Pix

This is the best one, I had to share it with everyone. Randy Travis is so cool, even if he does sing that twangy stuff...
Babies, babies, everywhere!
In no particular order…

My sister’s stepdaughter had a baby boy last week, his name is James, and I don’t have any photos yet. Big surprise, since I don’t even have any photos of the stepdaughter! Shoot, I’m lucky to get photos of my sister! Found a bunch from when we were little, but recent ones are few and far between…
The counselor at my son’s elementary school had a baby boy during the Christmas Break (December 22, to be exact). She should be back to work next month, so I have time to make a blanket; I didn’t know ahead of time, because I only got to see her a few times at the beginning of the school year and she was really NOT showing. I didn’t get his name yet…
The art teacher at the high school is currently pregnant; my oldest daughter has her for art and last semester my youngest daughter had her for Spanish. My mom has a friend at work that is pregnant, not due for quite awhile yet (but boy -- how time flies). And finally, George’s niece Cherish is pregnant. If there is anyone else in the family that is in the family way, nobody has bothered to tell us yet… I think that six babies/babies-in-progress is enough for now! My fingers are starting to hurt already, thinking of all the blankets to be made…. Oh yes, let’s not forget that I have a friend with a pregnant friend. So I guess that makes seven; I probably won’t be asked to make a blanket for the friend’s friend, but one never knows! Maybe if I don’t mention it to the friend, and stop knitting or crocheting or sewing whenever he is around so that maybe he will forget that I do that…. Nope, *that* ain’t going to happen! After all, this is the friend that I knitted a six-foot scarf for one year, and he still has the crocheted octopus that I made him for Christmas about, let me see, twenty-one years ago. Oh lord, now I am really depressed, it can’t have been that long!!! But my oldest is almost eighteen, and we were friends about four years before she was conceived (NO, not by this male friend!!!)… Jeez, time really does fly by! Seems like only last week that we met at the library…
Yep, I got some good, long-time friends! And so far, none of them are pregnant this month…
Tuesday, January 09, 2007